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Thursday, August 14, 2008

D-day is coming....

my heart is getting heavier knowing that i will very soon return to the most dreaded place on earth... well, according to me anyway... the days away have kind of brought back the spirit which i had lost so long ago... i never had time for myself and the thought of gg back to that life makes me want to act on impulse... it's sad isnt it?

the environment has not moved with the times... it is still stucked in the warped perception where efficiency is not measured based on output by rather the number of hrs you are in office and/or how you look (yeah, can imagine your incredulous look esp if you are not from here) ... i thank ivy (sec sch mate) for letting me see the light... she once left her workplace at 430pm just like that to go to the hairdressers and got chided by me but all it took was one rebut from her "why penalise me for being efficient?" ... which is so damn bloody true *brit accent* ... if you have finished your work and are not causing any misery to others, you shouldnt be subjected to stares and stupid comments from colleagues if u leave work on time... but it's a give n take thing of course... you must be mature and not abuse the trust given nor absolved yourself from responsibility... if there are times you need to work late, then stay... there are some who stay but no output and actually get dumber by the day... this kind better off living in the caves with the fishes cos sama sama species all got the 'duh' look lol

it doesnt help the environment tt some of the new generation now is also a pain in the arse to work with.... they dont take pride in their work and dont understand that the quality of their work is a reflection of their being... there is also no camaraderie amongst colleagues anymore... it's like a mental institution where pple are in their own world and oblivious to pple ard them... this is the same out in the streets as well... couples needing to stick together to board the bus, usu the guy cutting into your queue, just to get near his gal but sometimes, it's not the guy's fault cos the gal would give him the dagger stare for not following close behind... HELLO! a few minutes apart is not like gg to kill your relationship!!! and to the guys, your gal is not some old lady who needs be escorted please... if she is young and able, she must understand that that chivalry towards others is a virtue... you also got dumb assess blocking your paths by walking all over the pavement or when u are looking at something, they could just come in front of you... yes, we are all gg mad...

on a happy note, i did some mini revamped to love happy daisies... feels good to be doing something i like for once... beats having to be obliged or coerced to do something... feel free to take a peek at the new look at also, i remembered the songs i used to like way back in the 90s and added them to the webbie as well... enjoy!

oh yeah, see my mini revamped to my home loo as well lol... added the creeping leaves and arent the little elves adorable?!