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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wilbur may have a new craze!

damn! this wat happens when i explore too much lol... chanced upon a lifelike jap lolita doll which captured my heart... but having one would cost near $700 up to $1k... not too sure why they are so expensive... figured that maybe the material would be the same as that of a ventriloquist doll... trying not to dwell on it too much so i would forget it in time but i guess it's hard to resist... if i really get one, i must hide it away from dragon though cos he would be freaked out as the features are lifelike and we grew up on horror movies portraying dolls as killers etc hahaha but mainly i guess he would check me into a mental facility cos he would not understand how can one pay so much for a doll.... bah...

the name for such dolls as i found out is call super dollfies... they can be dressed in lolita gear and everything can be customised right down to the color of the eyes, lips and even hair to give it its own personality... somehow i think that such dolls may sort of come to life not literally walk etc as in Chucky lol but in spirit if one were to spend time with it etc...

gong gong parrot fish wanted to kill itself... it jumped out of the baby bath tub... i realised cos dragon kaypoh went to feed the fishies but they din have appetite to eat as they are still unwell and most prob the food was decaying and causing the water condition to be bad... i just removed the food and changed the filter sponge... hopefully water condition will improve else must change water again... sometimes hor the other half can be like parents and be a pain in the arse when they start being kaypoh and cause u more work... best thing is that i have to restrain from sounding too accusing else things will sometimes turn ugly... yeah, the tone in my voice sometimes can come out and offend lor =p... bibik genes lah...