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Friday, August 1, 2008

Wilbur Eat, Ate, Ape

went for my medical check-up as a follow-up for my op... could finally wear e yellow bubble spaghetti strap dress for the 1st time and with dragon some more muhahahaha >=) he hates that dress as it made me look pregnant but no choice as i this was the most apt cos of my wound n besides i was gg to the O&G clinic which will be filled with pregnant mums as well heh... place wasnt too crowded today and i got to see my fav Dr Tan... he reported that my wound is healing well and asked me not to move too much... wah, he macam got 6th sense lor *grins*... anyway, he remove the little bandage and said tt he would see me in a month's time... less than 5 mins i was out and the cost of this consultation? $62 ... i din mind the charges really cos as opposed to that idiotic dentist from NDC, Dr Tan to me is detailed and assuring :) abt the pain in the non-operated side of my ovary... he said it was deferred pain... hmmm... me, tee and ck joked this... it could be tt the left ovary shared the pain with the right cos they are twins kekekeke and being female organs, they tend to be more sensitive towards each other... yeah, we are crappy but i guess there's no need for us to be serious all the time... of course there will be times to be serious but otherwise, all of us should lighten up :) makes this place easier to live in...

ck reminded me of something i had wanted to pen down but forgot... after so many years of keeping something from mw, my secret from her is finally out... sigh of relief for me... it isnt cos i had intentionally kept it from her but sometimes it is not easy to brooch the subject much lest bring it up... there was never a appropriate time to tell her... but i guess she would understand has i think she hid something from me too but just tt hers got out sooner... so now it is a big PHEW for all of us? :)

sometimes i dont tell much abt my situation cos i dont like the idea of pple worrying or pitying me... this kind of attention i dont realli need and i dont want to come across as too vulnerable... i know some pple need this kind of attention esp those with middle child syndrome... cant blame them i guess... for me, i'm middle child too lol but of a different kind... hmmm... i liken myself like one of the many kids of Chao Yun Fatt (think he played King Mongkut) in Anna and the King :) it's like there are so many of us that we deal with not having the need for attention... yup, my siblings are of diff mothers... dad not ard much so was close to my paternal grandma aka the nanny...

yest, i cried when i caught sayang sayang on tv... i realli miss my younger days when i'm always surrounded by my relatives and i did feel lonely as an only child (yeah, it's complicated when i mention tt i have siblings in the above para :))... since the death of my grandma, splitting of the inheritance caused our family to split as well and now we are just a nuclei... it is so sick to think tt money can bring out the worst in pple...

btw, i think sushi tei at ec is a great place for dinner with close frens... not overly crowded like those outlets in the city and it's quieter... their food is great as compared to sakae... btw, dragon mentioned before abt the apex boss looking more n more like the sakae mascot *chuckles*
a must try dish at tei is the gyu salad with tei's own dressing... the dressing is simply yummy *smiles*

going to get some shut eye... think i will be having blogging diarrhoea during this period while i'm home =p wish i can say the same for my bowels though

oh yeah, why do guys open up to gals before they become gfs but once they are together, they clam up even more stubbornly than a qi hum???!!! [in sergent's tone:] guys should wake up their idea! or down 20!