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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wilbur si bei nuah....

aye, the problem of staying home too much is tt i will turn nuah like tao foo very soon =( .... if i'm not on the sofa, i will be like on the chair... taking naps the whole day today... haiz disgusted with myself .... have to get down to cleaning the hamsters cages in a while... has been 2 weeks already and i bet if this was a cartoon, the hamsters wld most probably throw sawdust at me in protest when i walk into the room lol... actually, the hamster Shinobi will always let me know it's time to change his bedding cos he will sleep on the other end of the cage as his usual place will kinda make it itch...

call me crazy but i believe if you spend time wif ur pets, u will be aware of such things :) like i said, the power of observation which sadly lacks in our society nowdays cos everyone is rushing... we dont take time to smell the flowers and notice the pple around us... that's y u have idiots blocking the escalator way, walking over all the place and blocking ur path etc... i'm no angel but at least u i try to be aware of the pple and surroundings...

i have got like a thousand and one errands to run but cant do so now ... super frustrating lor... yeah i guess i should not be so kan chiong abt this since its not time critical but i never want to make it a habit to procrastinate... it's the root of all evil cos once u keep slacking by the time u realise, there are like few thousand stuff to do and my mind would be busy planning how to resolve such stuff =p

i think i will miss the corp retreat, cant remember when is it anyway haahaaha... last time i would look forward to these retreats as it meant chilling out n having fun with fun close pals but now i'm so jaded that it doesnt matter whether i'm there or not... the one i rem most is the one at orchid country club where we were testing the games at nite and having a fun time fooling ard with lynette, ck, sf, weiren, william, huat etc... that was also the corp retreat where i was physically close to BT lol... she was in my team and i had to hug her but of course i'm not like u sick pple out there hahahaha... i din think how her dang dangs felt kekekeke ;)

last year's retreat at sentosa wasnt too bad but we were left wif all the quiet pple haha...

this phrase kept springing in my mind... " for all the riches in the world, he could not take it along with him" ... i must have read it somewhere but cant recall... it also seems like what the narrator in Pushing Daisies wld say *shrugs* but i guess it's one of those phrase which i find meaning to it that's y it's always at the back of my head...

i hate the internet, cause me to sin again lol... bought a kate spade clutch as well as an clutch from unknown brand (to me anyway) online... not that expensive lah... the KS clutch was on sale for US$119 lol... italian silk okay, dont play play... the other clutch was US$30... i pride myself in being able to assess what is a good buy... i dont usu go for super branded stuff since i dont think i'm always in the mood to dress the part to be able to carry off that branded bag and sometimes it's a bit ridiculous to pay such an exorbitant price etc lol... ever seen a sloppy dresser, usu sans make-up, carrying those branded bags, wah lao the bags should never look better then the owner lor!!! sorrie to sound so harsh but it's realli a matter of fact lor... it's sad when it can be so obvious sometimes who is rich and who is trying to imitate being rich... of course i do dream of being a socialite like jamie cucua where even if she carries a ugly bag, it would look so damn good on her... she isnt usu in the limelight but she is a true natural beauty... she is the one who brought in manolo blahnik shoes to SG... anyway, i guess some pple are just born beautiful i.e. jamie cucua where anything they hold branded or not would come out nice... same for laycheng too ;) i'm not one who will be sour or lament when it comes to beautiful pple... in fact i appreciate all things beautiful be it human or not :) it's my libra genes i guess :)

some pple think by carrying an expensive bag, they can afford to dress down but they dont know there is a difference btw sloppy and dressing down... aye... local woman should learn from the japs... they can be housewives but yet their dressing and style says it all...

yes, i'm not exactly perfect when it comes to my dressing sometimes that y i rather dress like a teeny bopper wannabe muhahahaa.... i rather come across as a ah lian who can afford to spend cos i can't pull off the look of a tai-tai *grins*