Clumsy Auntie Hits Pig
okay, the headline is kinda misleading, but isnt most headlines like this so as to grab attention? :)
anways, boarded the bus this afternoon and was standing opp the exit door when this auntie stood up from the seat just beside the exit door and manage to give my right side of the head a hard blow with her elbow =S i guess she might have lost her balance, wasnt too sure cos i wasnt paying attention, was actually looking down on the floor. of course she apologise profusely which i just accepted with a nod but really, i was wondering how clumsy can pple get... the spot which received the blow was throbbing lor, i really wanted to just like collaspe to scare her >=p
on few occasions, i have noticed pple in buses not holding the available poles and handles, thinking they hold the record for being the world's most 'steady' person but in actual fact, the record they hold is being the world's most stupid.
there are also those who do not have the faintest idea how to to stand properly in crowded buses or those who are goondu enough to continue to have their bags slung over their shoulders when they could have just hold it in their hands so that pple around them can stand more comfortably.
basic courtesy 101 is seriously lacking. as if it isnt embarrassing enough that we need campaigns to be courteous (seems that the the courtesy mascot, singa, is sprouting in more places then the moove media cows lol). yes, we are urbanised but our attitude and manners are still boorish as that of the caveman era.
will 'nice' be erased from the dictionary soon?
is it so hard to just be thankful of the things around us?
scientist are working to having pple live in Mars. perhaps we should send all the unhappy-complaining-impolite pple to mars so they can build the kind of place they want to live in. will want to see how the place finally turns out *grins*