we were shopping for a tv so that NY could watch the hk drama serials when she arrived lol
sf managed to get a 22" flat screen tv for less than sgd300 (some of the electronics stuff in HK are cheaper than SG) and they even provided free delivery but the box looked okay enough for us to cart it home so we lugged it all the way home stopping by for a hair cut along the way kekekeke http://www.minadevwil.com/page.html
the hairdressers in mina dev wil are all so cool and best of all, prices are freaking reasonable.
i chopped off my hair for sgd20! it included a wash as well lor!
when we got home, we realised that we needed to have a tv cable to receive the channels lol
strangely, it seems that most of the people do not know that a tv cable is required to receive the channels, they kept telling us to just plug in the power and we would be able to watch tv wor
anyway, we manage to get a tv cable from stanley street the next day :)