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Thursday, July 23, 2009

return of the enlightened babi :)

OMG! just one week and i've got 123 yahoo mails to clear lol but i'm too afraid to clear though cos there are loads of updates from a couple of my fave blogshops, cant bear the consequences cos i've spent loads on shopping in HK!

HK - truly a shopping paradise if u chance upon the right shops!

just yest, both NY and me sight see n shopped till our feet ached like crazy (out from 11am to 11pm hor!) and we were only in tsim sha shui and most of the time was spent in one mall only lor lol. i love the brands they carry such as H&M and Katie Judith!!! alamak so cool lor and freaking cheap when it comes to sales!!! we cant stop smiling all the way hahahaha but also crying at the same time cos of the pending damage to our wallets when the credit card bill comes. uh-oh. but what the hell, we will be a fool not to succumb cos such cool clothes and accessories can never be found in SG! the shopping experience in HK is my dream fantasy come true!
the pig is truly enlightened.

frankly on the first day of my arrival, i din think too much of HK cos of the not so fresh air and extremely small-ish apartments but after my visit to disneyland the next day, i just got happier and happier and appreciated the country more than i could ever know :)

yes, like SG, it has it's fair share of rude, kan chiong pple, crazy boiling weather, high cost of living but in terms of efficiency, makan, shopping, scenic views and leisure activities, sadly we fail in many ways...

blame it on my photography skills but the pics that will be posted later on only tells half or less than half of the experience i had in HK. nothing beats to being there in person!

dragon seems to love the suit set i bought from HK G2000 :) he tried it on earlier and it fits just nicely plus it is slim cut so macham like those jepun kia lol

but i can tell he loves the wing wah dragon candy i bought from the HK airport cos he polished them off quite quickly heh. only half of the box left lor *grins*

i also bought branded jap chocs for him =) actually for myself as well lah.
they look super duper yummy when i saw them in the display shelves located at the sogo basement.

gosh, so much to say but feeling sleepy...
i leave with one of my fave buys from HK - the zodiac desert master for below sgd200 =))

dragon is sleeping n hugging the extremely cute nautical dale plush i bought from disneyland.
wonder how i can rescue it from his clutches kekekeke