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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wilbur is now playing ...

brings tears to my eyes when this song is played... one of the soundtrack for the perfect man starring hillary duff... cried at one part when this song was played at one scene... wasnt really a fan of hillary, much prefer lindsay lohan but in this movie, thot she was not bad too :)

Collide by Howie Day

The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide

I'm quiet you know
You make a frist impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to ryhme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find
You and I collide

You finally find
You and I collide
You finally find
You and I collide

Wilbur's Loads of Crap ;D

it's one of those days where i sprout loads of crap... here's a couple ... read on only if u can tahan nonsense and gross-ness hor!
- thurs is labour day, the name suggest that its a day where we have to be labourious rather then a day of rest *sniggers*
- ee reminded tt its also called may day... why isn't there a shinwa day then *hysterical laughter*
- if toilet water can be converted to NEWater, hyflux should consider R&D on periods converting to NEWblood since there's always call to donate blood =P

anyway, winter saw the vet today, yay! the lump at her elbow is no biggie *wide smile* just some infection so the lump contains some fluid which should go off in couple of days after medication... otherwise, its off to surgery where the vet wil slit the lump for the fluid to ooze out and thereafter have to apply medication to prevent bacteria infection =p ... this little rascal really gives me loads of work man... just a couple of minutes back, dunno what the hell came into her and she pee-ed in front of my eyes at the dining area!!! idiot leh! their pee area is on the papers back at the kitchen! terror dog!

anyway, brought clover along too while on way to vet... i was like a freaking crazy mother lor, kept screaming and choking them cos they were walking all over the place while on the pavement near the main road... some pple turn back and look lor, dont be surprise if someone took a video and post in in stomp =s ... reason i was so harsh was cause the main road was super busy with cars and the way they walked might caused them to kena hit lor... usu. they are quite well behaved on the roads, its like one of those days they ki siao... grrrr....

these couple of days, general ho yit (rranslation from cantonese to english : freakng hot) has been lurking ard in the mornings!! si bei terrible man! after wiping dry from bathing, i will be sweating like a pig within seconds!!! hate it ma !!! looks like tmr will be sama sama =(

Monday, April 28, 2008

Wilbur's 2nd Life

seems like everyone into the 2nd life virtual game... i have kinda applied for the 2nd life id and password for ben and jerry's room but havent got down to trying it out yet and most prob wont cos my internet access is slow so most prob will tear my hair out waiting for the game to download... i can understand the fascination of the game, i mean u can be a nerd in real life but use a babe avatar in 2nd life and get laid and do wild unimaginable stuff *chuckles* it's a form of escapism which is fine but if you get too obsessed with it i.e. this being the real life that r leading then its super sad... there is so much to experience in the real world! maybe that's y we are lacking so much in social skills in today's society =(

maybe those militants who crave for power should be introduced to 2nd life... wars could be fought online hahah... still got bloodshed and gore but at least no real lives lost =p a far-fetched thot? well, tt is how i am lor... hippie who hopes for peace and tranquility in the world =)

actually my 2nd life is keeps me occupied already to wanna play 2nd life hahaha... my 2nd life is the life after work... during weekends, i dress very differently from the usual stifling work garb... sometimes i feel that gg to work for me is like acting... i have to assume a role of responsibility and maturity which is so adult... i hate having to be an adult 24-7... so boring and uncreative... no fun one... so thats why i let loose during the weekends - auntie dressed like teeny bopper *grins* ... i dont wanna loose that creative and imagination which i had more while i was a child... i have lost most of it and i cant afford to loose whatever of it i have left... i wanna stay fun and happy =) and it keeps me sane... thank god i still have frens who are like that!

most of pple at work dont see my other persona which is only apparent to dragon boy and my 2 huskies... i think they will be shocked lor... i'm pretty bad tempered and if you ever catch me in my worst, i may come across as crazy lor... haha... dragon boy is like that too... huge fight last weekend but we kissed and made up literally *laughs* ... it can be frustrating when a loved one dont see the effort you are taking to make the relationship work for the better and assume otherwise... but i guess when all tempers have cooled, and they are willing to listen, its amazing feeling when u finally manage to get your point across =) ... guess sometimes, the worst thing that spoils a relationship is assumption... but all's well if both hear each other out =)

bringing winter to the vet tmr... pretty worried for her as we noticed a growth at the joint of her front paw... no matter how angry i am with her, i still care for her... hope its benign *prays*...

getting the 2 darlings was a decision that i will never regret... they have brought me joy and companionship and at least my focus is shifted from mindless shopping of clothes and shoes to shopping goodies for them =) ... office aunties nag and nag abt me not wanting to have kids now... but at this current state, i'm happy having my doggies... nothing is missing in my life now... of course i do think abt having a kid but mostly cos i want to see how he/she will turn out with the combined look of dragon boy and me *lol* and nothing more... i dont wanna have kids with the hope of depending on them when i'm old and frail... dont tink it will happen lor when filial piety is taking a back seat in today's world... i cant stand parents who let their kids get away with murder, pampering them and at their beck and call... i have seen such scenarios and i really wanted to go up to the parents, whack the living senseless brain out of them and ask them 'what the hell is wrong with you??!!!'... if crime rates or abandon parents ever go up in the future, you know whom we have to thank for... dont get me started on parents who are rude, lack compassion and filial piety... i just hope they get what they deserve later on...

ok, enuf on anger topics =p gotta scoot now ... back is aching again... wassup??!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wilbur think David Lee Cook Rocks!

din manage to catch david lee cook's entire performance as I was tuned to CSI but i managed to catch snippets of his performance... extremely talented wor!!! i used to dislike him in the early stages as he came across as a bit yaya... he retorted simon's comments with an air of nonchalance tt i wanted to smack him! of course he is much better now =) hope he wins idol but then again you should know how these competitions are like, the good ones usu. dont win haha but their records will sell better than the winners :) such irony...

the moon is pretty bright today though it's not full... so pretty :) there's always this lone bright spot in the sky that doesnt twinkle like the rest... think it's mars or something... i like to gaze at it, find that it gives me peace of mind :)

for the 1st time today, ah fat clover jumped over winter when they were playing... she steady leh, was pretty proud of her cos usu. winter will be jumping over her, she not that kind that can be so agile =) ... treated the kids to the ginormous strawberries bought from cold storage over the weekend... clover simply loves it... she seems to know how to apreciate food unlike winter who tends to gobbles down whatever she is fed =p clover will slowly chew the food macham food tasting like that :) that's my gal!

alighted at eunos mrt on my way back, there was a getai gg on at that area... the performers were pretty entertaining with their hokkien jokes... frankly its my 1st time seeing and hearing a getai... like the hokkien jokes but not the songs hahaha...

SH is off to eastern europe wif his gf... he deserves this trip man, he has been working his ass off, i know cost i'm just sitting next to him :)
i have heard comments on wah he go travel again... the tone comes across as 'he-isnt-having-such-a-bad-time-afterall- at-the-workplace... HELLO! if you are not sitting beside him pls dont anyhow give that kind of assuming tone!! i get pissed off *libra trait* cos i find it unfair to him, esp if i witness the amt of prressue he goes through each day >=I

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wilbur needs a miracle cure!

darn, the vein near my spine is aching real bad :( went for a 30min neck, shoulder and back massage at this tcm place opp marine parade ntuc yest... the chinese sifu was bloodie good man, he knew exactly the spot that was hurting without even me telling, it hurt bad when he kept rubbing the spot but at the same time it felt therapeutic... wanted to go again today for a rub but wearing work clothes not exactly ideal for massage =p besides costly lor if go too often... i think when i'm old, i need a full time masseuse instead of domestic help hahaha.. turning bibik faster than i can say satay babi hahaah ...

after my dental appt yest, i walked to people's park food centre to eat my usual koo kee yong tau hoo, wanted to try the other stall yong tau foo stall which is famous and there was no queue but din know how to order so decided not too lest i kena scold by the stall owner haha... i'm a creature of habit esp when i'm alone :) ... like after each visit to NDC, i will always after that eat koo kee yong tau foo haha... anyway, coincidentally i met my dad at people's park, was actually making my way to meet my mum at plaza sing to pass her something... he was going to eat koo kee as well haha... strangely we both share the liking for koo kee... usu, my dad's taste in food differs very much from mine :)

dad recommended me to buy this barley leaves tea powder from those counters that sell jap snacks... they are located at places like taka, plaza sing, liang ct ... one month's supply cost $30... not really cheap but suppose to help in the general well-being, including constipation :p (yeah, apparently mum told him of my problem)... bought a pack yest... tastes ok, just hope that it will be able to perform miracles for my back but i guess i'm placing too much hopes on it *grins*... see really becoming a bibik lor... after buying an expensive product, really expect the product to work wonders else will just curse n swear hee hee...

my back is still aching... really annoying feeling... dont want to keep popping muscle relaxant or pain killers to ease the pain lest i get hooked on it...

oh yah, one of the highlights of yest was that i bought the bicycle tragic royalty playing cards! si bei cool leh, darkly whimsical... love it! there was even sweet pastel playing cards... damn nice colour and ideal for a gift for some girly gal fren :) think this 1st purchase might make me into a collector for playing cards... uh oh!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Wilbur's evidence for loving CSI

Father Powell: You don't believe?
Gil Grissom: In religion. I believe in God, in science, in Sunday supper. I don't believe in rules that tell me how I should live.
Father Powell: Even if they're handed down by God?
Gil Grissom: How many crusades were fought in the name of God? How many people died because of someone's religion?
Father Powell: Fanaticism, not religion.
Gil Grissom: Semantics. They're still dead.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wilbur is super constipated >=I

gg for another root canal sugery tomorrow... darn! its not the fear of the dentist or the root canal itself but the stupid injection to numb the gums that freaks me out *heart thumping* ... aye...

had lunch with my 3 darlings (hubbie aka dragon boy, ah fat aka clover and pariah aka winter) at kenny rogers today... weather was crazily hot but we had to sit outside cos of the doggies... luckily the sparkling 100% grape juice managed to cool me down a bit :) btw, the chicken seems to have shrunk quite a bit but looking on the bright side at least its less calories lor... i try to look at the brighter side of things lately, guess its a bid to relieve stress... like when i know gg home each day i have to mop the kitchen floor, i tell myself at least i can keep fit at the same time... its not always easy esp when i'm really short and hot tempered but at least i'm trying =)

oh yah, came across my birthday profile on the net... here's an extract... there's more to this but doubt any of you would be interested in the full profile :)
Your Personality Profile:
You possess a highly creative mind. You are likely quite good with language and/or languages, and you have an unmistakably goofy sense of humor. You have a wonderful sense of judgment. Although you will entertain some attraction to the mystical, you are largely logical. You can be a charming conversationalist, making each person you talk to one-on-one feel very special. Although you are capable of much hard work, leisure time is very important to you. You are more decisive than the typical Libra personality.

creative - witty - fair-minded

Sun Conjunct Merga
This fixed star has a Mercury/Saturn influence, giving you the gift of humor (generally sarcastic), writing ability, and a strong sense of right and wrong. You are logical and capable.
erm, i know i can come across as being mean in my jokes sometimes, but cannot fault me lor cos i'm influence by my birthday star lalalalalala *innocent look*

damn getting heat rash all over my hands... always happen when i'm expose to the sun and pespire... cold shower doesnt help much... sianz, have to refrain from scratching...

these few days i have been really constipated, think one of these days i might just slip into a coma in the loo cos of the strength i have to exert... dragon kept nagging on and on and i have to take more fibre that i so much wanted to shove something down his throat... ask me to eat oats when our house dont have any lor and he kept repeating this like a spoiled record... but i stil dig him lah =)

clover is like so worn out after her outing to ecp, poor gal, not much appetite too... but she still had space for durian... wat is it with dogs and durians? they love the fruit so much... usu she is quite gentle when eating from my hands but when it is durians, she just like ki siao and start chewing my fingers as well *ouch*... its like a drug or something... but clover is stil my fav gal cos she looks so adorable, is loyal and kuai... winter on the other hand is the exact opposite and pisses me off most of the time, strangely winter's genitals dont seem apparent up to now ... we call her a gay dog hee hee and came up with moniker for her - winter gaylord focker (ben stiller's name in meet the parents hahaa) ... so apt for her lor...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wilbur is still feeling a little under the weather =p

din haf the energy n time to blog the last week... was pretty exhausted n tired... been like having only like 4 hrs of sleep each day... u cld say that i asked for it lor... i mean i was like watching tv when i could have forced myself to turn in early... but i guess i hated the fact of gg to sleep not so long after i get home from work... its like so groundhog day lor and most importantly i want my ME time... i get home abt 8.30pm from work, after cleaning up after the doggies and feeding my pets, it will be like about 10pm... i will flip through my mags and watch tv at the same time (bloodie hell, even at home have to multi-task =p)... if i sleep at midnight means that i only have like 2hrs to myself for the freaking entire day... so depressing rite??!!

think carl's jr finally opened at the ECP... cos i got a job mailer in the mailbox *laughs*... i was toying with the idea that maybe i should work at carl's, at least its a break from all the heavy thinking stuff at work... and if i was assigned to work at the ecp branch it would be so cool lor... so near my place and can save on transport and be healthy at the same time (cos its like walking distance from my place) but my devil side of my brain still cant give up the pay tt i'm getting now... even dragon boy said that i wont be able to anyhow buy stuff *sighs*... i joked saying tt i will bring burgers home to feed the doggies lor hee hee...
when will my angel side finally have the voice to convince me to quit and look for a senang job tt has not so many responsibilites? *heavy sigh*

one of the days last week, for the 1st time in 10 or 11 yrs, i ate dinner with Mrs Chua at the 99 Food House near Funan... she is retiring soon and i'm really happy for her... i learnt that she loves kids and her nearly 2yr old grandson stays wif her, her son n daughter-in-law stays nearby but the kid stays wif grandma due to work and study commitments... she has a very capable and kwai indonesian maid of 2 yrs and her entire family and relatives all treat this maid v well lor... they give her hong baos and its not small sums wor... her daughter-in-law is super nice too! she gives the maid a pay rise every now and then! the maid is hardworking and actually request that her employer keeps her pay every month cos she doesnt need off days and besides, mrs chua's family bring her out when they go for outings lor and pay her meals etc... its a 2-way thing - giving and receiving kindness... the above is a perfect example =)

yest was suppose to go clubbing with YF and his 2 other frens but while nearing st james, i felt really sick and had to get down from priscilla's car quickly cos i was on the verge of throwing up... in the end i headed home but not without much drama...
i actually got down from the car at the main road divder, i had so much wanted to squat at the divider to calm my nerves as i was still feeling queasy but decided not too as i din want to draw attention to myself... after crossing over to vivo, i wanted to take a cab but the q was so long that it would shame the great wall of china lor... i just continue walking and taking deep breaths... eventually i decided to take a bus home (though i had to change bus) cos i was afraid that i would feel sick again if i set in a cab... i boarded the 2nd bus that goes directly to my place, i decided to sit in the upper deck and i sort of was snoozing... when i woke somewhere along meyer road i felt v sick n faint again and quickly made my exit from the bus though i wasnt too far off from my place's bus stop... the nauseous feeling was overwhelming so i decided to walk home instead... decided to sms SH while walking in bid to keep my mind off being sick (i was breaking out in cold sweat)... din sms dragon boy cos i din want him to worry... when i was near my estate my spirits lifted a little knowing that home sweet home was just round the corner *relief*... i did my usual while i got home i.e clean n feed precious pets and quickly headed for the couch afer for as i felt weak n giddy... still feeling aches all over today =(

SH was suprised tt i was gg for dinner and then clubbing with YF and 2 of his frens of which 1 i met but din know too well and the other i have never met before... he asked that wouldnt it be strange? i was also a little concern that i might be awkward but when i got into priscilla's car and tease YF a little, it sort of broke the ice, pris was not wat i had imagine her to be =) she is funky and hip, had expected her to be a demure, long-haired quiet gal, dont ask me y lah but thot that YF fren would be like that one... we had dinner at house at dempsey... pris is cool and loud... she speaks her mind... so different from TL and YF who is quiet type... its nice knowing pris... too bad couldnt join them for boiler room (read above story)... she wants to teach autistic kids *salutes* and have applied to MOE... she looks so funky more like the part of a club operations manager though..i couldnt have imagine she likes kids =) so really never be too quick to judge a person...

damn my neck and shoulder are aching again... gg to leave here soon ... some of you might know that i'm upset wif some pple at work but i dont wanna grouse it here as i dont want work to have a place in here... i rather focus on other thots and experience.. more thot provoking and less dull =)

gotta go now... feeling a like a vagabond cos din bathe since yest *lol*

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wilbur's series of unfortunate/suay events (yester)day >={

yest was one of those days where everything just seem to go wrong lor...
incident #1
found a small puddle on the floor near the fish tank stand... dammit, fish tank seemed to be leaking and but left it cause i had to leave for work...
incident #2
took a cab to work and the driver was an ah pek who drived so slowly, not to mention that his driving was much to be desired... recalling the ride now even brings back the sick feeling... when around city hall, he actually asked whether i wanted get off at excelsior cab stand!!! apparently, he din know that funan centre is the same as funan the it mall, and he din even know funan got taxi stand! he nearly made a wrong turn somemore! WTF! bloddie hell and the ride cost like $2 more lor *^&%^$^%$£^%$£..
incident #3
made my way to mcdonalds after the sick ride i had... planned to order mc griddles again but wanted it plain/kosong this time to cut back on the calories and also found it with the sausage and egg a bit too filling... the gal who took my order wasnt sure that i could order it plain and checked wif her male supervisor, she then punched in my order and i saw $3.85 on flashed across the cash register, i was like huh? kosong also cost so ex? she said she keyed in sausage mcgriddle and made it a special order of without sausage... *screams* i then changed my order to mcgriddle with sausage and egg which only cost $4.05... stupid stupid stupid... that reminds me, will most prob write in to macs to complain... no logic rite? i used to order plain mc muffin and it cost me like $1.50 only lor... dodo!
incident #4
when i saw rita at the counter when i came in, she said that waifeng and kelvin were not coming for the meeting later, only their sub contractor would come... i was boiling liao... the signages of which they had before hand assured quality was si bei poorly done!!! waste of our time and caused a lot of inconvenience! i had wanted them to come down personally and not deal with their contractor! mistakes time and time again even after communicating to them via the phone and email our expectations... arse holes lor... i was writing an irate email to kelvin and waifeng when kelvin called and explained why they were not able to come down... i voiced my displeasure to him and sounded v unfriendly... no more miss nice guy if you break my trust lor!
incident #5
my laptop hung not long after i logged in and i din open a whole lot of programs!! *&%^$%£$
incident #6
boarded an empty 36 on my way back from work. thot that i could get home quickly but bad jam on the ecp and the journey took an hr!!! i fell asleep on the bus and i woke up feeling weak, faint and nauseous... after a quick dinner at the hawker centre, made my way to the clinic... still feeling unwell today and din manage to go to work...
incident #7
was changing the fish to another tank when one of the idiot parrot fish bit my finger and made my skin tear!!! i kootie the fish when he was on the net out of the water... super pissed...
incident #8
quarrelled wif dragon boy on my feeling stressed and worn out...
incident #9
the soiled newsapaper i was clearing tore and my thumb dug into the a piece of the doggie shit U*^&%^%^%^$
incident #10
found 3 big pimples on my face...

cant blame me for being angry with the world yesterday =p super lousy thursday man

Monday, April 7, 2008

Wilbur takes a ride in the Silver Cab

it's cool that sbs came up with iris... knowing when the bus is coming helps me plan how to get to work in the fastest time possible esp when i always leave the house late =p ... of course sometimes there will b those days when i make the wrong decision and end up being late *shakes head* ... knowing that the buses will take a while to come, i decided to take a cab to work instead... was pretty lucky cos the taxi stand had a few cabs waiting and there was no queue which was pretty surprising considering today is a monday and everyone is always late and grabbing a cab on mondays *chuckles*
boarded a silver premier cab and though the journey wasnt exactly smooth cos uncle decided to brake hard a couple of times, i was impresssed with his seng mok-ness (astuteness)... he knew which lanes to take to avoid being stuck in the slow moving morning traffic and he did not compromise on safety as well... i managed to like get to office in 15 mins!!! steady pom pi pi i tell u... naturally i emailed a note of commendation to premier *proud look* ... being a libra, i v fair one hor will complain or commend, not like most pple who just complain...

i wasnt really late for work until i went to subway to grab a morning deli of ham and egg... wah lao, the person serving me was a bit slow lor and i was the only customer *slaps forehead* ... she did not know how to operate the cash register and use a calculator instead, which i was a bit amuse cos i only order 1 item and the cost was $3... i showed the 10% discount and she use the calculator to compute which is fine... when i gave her $4, she return change of $1.60... si bei blur leh, she lucky i honest and not blur, so i return her the excess change... geez...

Wilbur drink, drank but not drunk :)

fri was like packed wif activities back to back...
dinner at clarke quay (Italian place not worth mentioning cos of the high price and so-so food... shared ham pizza with lisa and eugenia... the ham was super miserable lor, very thinly sliced, its like one pig can top 10,000 pizzas *shakes head*... pizza huts or pasta mania's pizza can beat them hands down anytime!),

chilling out session at eM (met ivy there and joined her wif her frens for a while... ai qi was super nice, she blanja me a gin tonic and was pretty friendly... watched them play bridge... not too sure whether i offended ai qi though but it wasnt intentional =p ... i said something like MOS got lotsa brown pple without realising that ai qi was part brown... i really have nothing against brown pple really, just that those brown teens that go clubbing seem to be really loud and some obnoxious kind...) btw, some patrons at eM bring their dogs too, how cool is that?!
was nice hearing from eugenia and betsy that they like eM...

clubbing at zouk (wasnt in a state of 'high' though drank a bit... after trying gin tonic at eM, i really liked it but the rest hated it *shrugs* ... bourbon coke and vodka lime seems to be their thing but i hated it ...makes me feel like an alien to have different taste *grins*... we danced till like 4am though the music not that fantastic cos it more like techno??? strangely, though i was quite sane after the session, i got like a major headache the next day ... it wasnt until i drank the freaking expensive super sour lime drink at HK cafe tt the headache seem to go away)...

romance seems to be in the air for me this weekend *wide smile*... dragon boy has been pretty sweet and loving =)... little gestures such as putting his arm around my shoulder and patting my head really makes my day!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wilbur's Wicked Thots >=)

moronic behaviour transcends all cultures races, sex... take a journey with me in a super packed sbs service no. 36 in the morning and you get to experience 1st hand what i mean... just this morning, a plus size lady had her whole body leaned against the pole in the packed bus leaving me little space to hold on to the pole... to make matters worse, the back of my hand got to feel her flab *puke puke puke*, later she decided to change the direction she was standing and my elbow was caught in a position that would kena her neh neh should the driver step hard on the brakes *disgusted look* ... actually most of my encounters with morons in buses are usu. women... for freaking sake, some of them use the bags slung over their shoulders to push their way through especially when they r alighting....aaarrrggghhhh... so uncouth lor ... dumb asses! really!

on a lighter note, these couple of days, i notice this chio babe in the bus that i'm taking... (no lah, my dormant lesbian alter ego is not taking over!), she is not the usual kind of pretty lah... she has small eyes, delicate features, flawless skin, rosy cheeks, slim bod, her hair was loosely tied bun-like but it was super neat, not a strand out of place she had that air of class too... to me, she look like she could be on the shanghai runway... she looked young too... the only minor flaw was her hand looked older than she was as it had veins popping out... her dressing was simple yet she added a touch of quirkiness but wearing a fluffy ring etc... dont get the wrong idea abt me... its just tt i like to observe and notice pple and things and if i see someone or something i consider pretty, i will look longer to appreciate it =) actually how many of you out there notice the surroundings around U on your way to work? i do that actually, cause each day i may chance upon something i have not noticed before, and each day, clouds take a different shape *smiles*

i thot of a quote a couple of days back and it goes something like this...
"the very essence of true friendship is BO (body odor)"
hahaha pun intended (hence the title of wicked thots)... but really if you think abt it, true friends will not avoid u if you suffer from BO, they will still stick by you and try to help you with the problem :) i'm frankly quite open to frankness from my close friends... i wont be offended especially if i know/sense that you mean well by telling me my flaws :)

by the way, i have been wanting to say this for the longest time... i know i sometimes i dont seem to make the effort to contact some of you but do know that i do think of you hor... to me friendships i have made are strong and is not base on how often we meet up but how we can just continue to chat like old times when we do meet up, without any awkwardness =) thats wat i have with most of you and i appreciate it! at my age, i have grown out of my immature school/teen days of petty fights hahahaha *grins*