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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wilbur is still feeling a little under the weather =p

din haf the energy n time to blog the last week... was pretty exhausted n tired... been like having only like 4 hrs of sleep each day... u cld say that i asked for it lor... i mean i was like watching tv when i could have forced myself to turn in early... but i guess i hated the fact of gg to sleep not so long after i get home from work... its like so groundhog day lor and most importantly i want my ME time... i get home abt 8.30pm from work, after cleaning up after the doggies and feeding my pets, it will be like about 10pm... i will flip through my mags and watch tv at the same time (bloodie hell, even at home have to multi-task =p)... if i sleep at midnight means that i only have like 2hrs to myself for the freaking entire day... so depressing rite??!!

think carl's jr finally opened at the ECP... cos i got a job mailer in the mailbox *laughs*... i was toying with the idea that maybe i should work at carl's, at least its a break from all the heavy thinking stuff at work... and if i was assigned to work at the ecp branch it would be so cool lor... so near my place and can save on transport and be healthy at the same time (cos its like walking distance from my place) but my devil side of my brain still cant give up the pay tt i'm getting now... even dragon boy said that i wont be able to anyhow buy stuff *sighs*... i joked saying tt i will bring burgers home to feed the doggies lor hee hee...
when will my angel side finally have the voice to convince me to quit and look for a senang job tt has not so many responsibilites? *heavy sigh*

one of the days last week, for the 1st time in 10 or 11 yrs, i ate dinner with Mrs Chua at the 99 Food House near Funan... she is retiring soon and i'm really happy for her... i learnt that she loves kids and her nearly 2yr old grandson stays wif her, her son n daughter-in-law stays nearby but the kid stays wif grandma due to work and study commitments... she has a very capable and kwai indonesian maid of 2 yrs and her entire family and relatives all treat this maid v well lor... they give her hong baos and its not small sums wor... her daughter-in-law is super nice too! she gives the maid a pay rise every now and then! the maid is hardworking and actually request that her employer keeps her pay every month cos she doesnt need off days and besides, mrs chua's family bring her out when they go for outings lor and pay her meals etc... its a 2-way thing - giving and receiving kindness... the above is a perfect example =)

yest was suppose to go clubbing with YF and his 2 other frens but while nearing st james, i felt really sick and had to get down from priscilla's car quickly cos i was on the verge of throwing up... in the end i headed home but not without much drama...
i actually got down from the car at the main road divder, i had so much wanted to squat at the divider to calm my nerves as i was still feeling queasy but decided not too as i din want to draw attention to myself... after crossing over to vivo, i wanted to take a cab but the q was so long that it would shame the great wall of china lor... i just continue walking and taking deep breaths... eventually i decided to take a bus home (though i had to change bus) cos i was afraid that i would feel sick again if i set in a cab... i boarded the 2nd bus that goes directly to my place, i decided to sit in the upper deck and i sort of was snoozing... when i woke somewhere along meyer road i felt v sick n faint again and quickly made my exit from the bus though i wasnt too far off from my place's bus stop... the nauseous feeling was overwhelming so i decided to walk home instead... decided to sms SH while walking in bid to keep my mind off being sick (i was breaking out in cold sweat)... din sms dragon boy cos i din want him to worry... when i was near my estate my spirits lifted a little knowing that home sweet home was just round the corner *relief*... i did my usual while i got home i.e clean n feed precious pets and quickly headed for the couch afer for as i felt weak n giddy... still feeling aches all over today =(

SH was suprised tt i was gg for dinner and then clubbing with YF and 2 of his frens of which 1 i met but din know too well and the other i have never met before... he asked that wouldnt it be strange? i was also a little concern that i might be awkward but when i got into priscilla's car and tease YF a little, it sort of broke the ice, pris was not wat i had imagine her to be =) she is funky and hip, had expected her to be a demure, long-haired quiet gal, dont ask me y lah but thot that YF fren would be like that one... we had dinner at house at dempsey... pris is cool and loud... she speaks her mind... so different from TL and YF who is quiet type... its nice knowing pris... too bad couldnt join them for boiler room (read above story)... she wants to teach autistic kids *salutes* and have applied to MOE... she looks so funky more like the part of a club operations manager though..i couldnt have imagine she likes kids =) so really never be too quick to judge a person...

damn my neck and shoulder are aching again... gg to leave here soon ... some of you might know that i'm upset wif some pple at work but i dont wanna grouse it here as i dont want work to have a place in here... i rather focus on other thots and experience.. more thot provoking and less dull =)

gotta go now... feeling a like a vagabond cos din bathe since yest *lol*