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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wilbur is super constipated >=I

gg for another root canal sugery tomorrow... darn! its not the fear of the dentist or the root canal itself but the stupid injection to numb the gums that freaks me out *heart thumping* ... aye...

had lunch with my 3 darlings (hubbie aka dragon boy, ah fat aka clover and pariah aka winter) at kenny rogers today... weather was crazily hot but we had to sit outside cos of the doggies... luckily the sparkling 100% grape juice managed to cool me down a bit :) btw, the chicken seems to have shrunk quite a bit but looking on the bright side at least its less calories lor... i try to look at the brighter side of things lately, guess its a bid to relieve stress... like when i know gg home each day i have to mop the kitchen floor, i tell myself at least i can keep fit at the same time... its not always easy esp when i'm really short and hot tempered but at least i'm trying =)

oh yah, came across my birthday profile on the net... here's an extract... there's more to this but doubt any of you would be interested in the full profile :)
Your Personality Profile:
You possess a highly creative mind. You are likely quite good with language and/or languages, and you have an unmistakably goofy sense of humor. You have a wonderful sense of judgment. Although you will entertain some attraction to the mystical, you are largely logical. You can be a charming conversationalist, making each person you talk to one-on-one feel very special. Although you are capable of much hard work, leisure time is very important to you. You are more decisive than the typical Libra personality.

creative - witty - fair-minded

Sun Conjunct Merga
This fixed star has a Mercury/Saturn influence, giving you the gift of humor (generally sarcastic), writing ability, and a strong sense of right and wrong. You are logical and capable.
erm, i know i can come across as being mean in my jokes sometimes, but cannot fault me lor cos i'm influence by my birthday star lalalalalala *innocent look*

damn getting heat rash all over my hands... always happen when i'm expose to the sun and pespire... cold shower doesnt help much... sianz, have to refrain from scratching...

these few days i have been really constipated, think one of these days i might just slip into a coma in the loo cos of the strength i have to exert... dragon kept nagging on and on and i have to take more fibre that i so much wanted to shove something down his throat... ask me to eat oats when our house dont have any lor and he kept repeating this like a spoiled record... but i stil dig him lah =)

clover is like so worn out after her outing to ecp, poor gal, not much appetite too... but she still had space for durian... wat is it with dogs and durians? they love the fruit so much... usu she is quite gentle when eating from my hands but when it is durians, she just like ki siao and start chewing my fingers as well *ouch*... its like a drug or something... but clover is stil my fav gal cos she looks so adorable, is loyal and kuai... winter on the other hand is the exact opposite and pisses me off most of the time, strangely winter's genitals dont seem apparent up to now ... we call her a gay dog hee hee and came up with moniker for her - winter gaylord focker (ben stiller's name in meet the parents hahaa) ... so apt for her lor...