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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wilbur's Wicked Thots >=)

moronic behaviour transcends all cultures races, sex... take a journey with me in a super packed sbs service no. 36 in the morning and you get to experience 1st hand what i mean... just this morning, a plus size lady had her whole body leaned against the pole in the packed bus leaving me little space to hold on to the pole... to make matters worse, the back of my hand got to feel her flab *puke puke puke*, later she decided to change the direction she was standing and my elbow was caught in a position that would kena her neh neh should the driver step hard on the brakes *disgusted look* ... actually most of my encounters with morons in buses are usu. women... for freaking sake, some of them use the bags slung over their shoulders to push their way through especially when they r alighting....aaarrrggghhhh... so uncouth lor ... dumb asses! really!

on a lighter note, these couple of days, i notice this chio babe in the bus that i'm taking... (no lah, my dormant lesbian alter ego is not taking over!), she is not the usual kind of pretty lah... she has small eyes, delicate features, flawless skin, rosy cheeks, slim bod, her hair was loosely tied bun-like but it was super neat, not a strand out of place she had that air of class too... to me, she look like she could be on the shanghai runway... she looked young too... the only minor flaw was her hand looked older than she was as it had veins popping out... her dressing was simple yet she added a touch of quirkiness but wearing a fluffy ring etc... dont get the wrong idea abt me... its just tt i like to observe and notice pple and things and if i see someone or something i consider pretty, i will look longer to appreciate it =) actually how many of you out there notice the surroundings around U on your way to work? i do that actually, cause each day i may chance upon something i have not noticed before, and each day, clouds take a different shape *smiles*

i thot of a quote a couple of days back and it goes something like this...
"the very essence of true friendship is BO (body odor)"
hahaha pun intended (hence the title of wicked thots)... but really if you think abt it, true friends will not avoid u if you suffer from BO, they will still stick by you and try to help you with the problem :) i'm frankly quite open to frankness from my close friends... i wont be offended especially if i know/sense that you mean well by telling me my flaws :)

by the way, i have been wanting to say this for the longest time... i know i sometimes i dont seem to make the effort to contact some of you but do know that i do think of you hor... to me friendships i have made are strong and is not base on how often we meet up but how we can just continue to chat like old times when we do meet up, without any awkwardness =) thats wat i have with most of you and i appreciate it! at my age, i have grown out of my immature school/teen days of petty fights hahahaha *grins*