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Monday, April 7, 2008

Wilbur drink, drank but not drunk :)

fri was like packed wif activities back to back...
dinner at clarke quay (Italian place not worth mentioning cos of the high price and so-so food... shared ham pizza with lisa and eugenia... the ham was super miserable lor, very thinly sliced, its like one pig can top 10,000 pizzas *shakes head*... pizza huts or pasta mania's pizza can beat them hands down anytime!),

chilling out session at eM (met ivy there and joined her wif her frens for a while... ai qi was super nice, she blanja me a gin tonic and was pretty friendly... watched them play bridge... not too sure whether i offended ai qi though but it wasnt intentional =p ... i said something like MOS got lotsa brown pple without realising that ai qi was part brown... i really have nothing against brown pple really, just that those brown teens that go clubbing seem to be really loud and some obnoxious kind...) btw, some patrons at eM bring their dogs too, how cool is that?!
was nice hearing from eugenia and betsy that they like eM...

clubbing at zouk (wasnt in a state of 'high' though drank a bit... after trying gin tonic at eM, i really liked it but the rest hated it *shrugs* ... bourbon coke and vodka lime seems to be their thing but i hated it ...makes me feel like an alien to have different taste *grins*... we danced till like 4am though the music not that fantastic cos it more like techno??? strangely, though i was quite sane after the session, i got like a major headache the next day ... it wasnt until i drank the freaking expensive super sour lime drink at HK cafe tt the headache seem to go away)...

romance seems to be in the air for me this weekend *wide smile*... dragon boy has been pretty sweet and loving =)... little gestures such as putting his arm around my shoulder and patting my head really makes my day!!!