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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wilbur needs a miracle cure!

darn, the vein near my spine is aching real bad :( went for a 30min neck, shoulder and back massage at this tcm place opp marine parade ntuc yest... the chinese sifu was bloodie good man, he knew exactly the spot that was hurting without even me telling, it hurt bad when he kept rubbing the spot but at the same time it felt therapeutic... wanted to go again today for a rub but wearing work clothes not exactly ideal for massage =p besides costly lor if go too often... i think when i'm old, i need a full time masseuse instead of domestic help hahaha.. turning bibik faster than i can say satay babi hahaah ...

after my dental appt yest, i walked to people's park food centre to eat my usual koo kee yong tau hoo, wanted to try the other stall yong tau foo stall which is famous and there was no queue but din know how to order so decided not too lest i kena scold by the stall owner haha... i'm a creature of habit esp when i'm alone :) ... like after each visit to NDC, i will always after that eat koo kee yong tau foo haha... anyway, coincidentally i met my dad at people's park, was actually making my way to meet my mum at plaza sing to pass her something... he was going to eat koo kee as well haha... strangely we both share the liking for koo kee... usu, my dad's taste in food differs very much from mine :)

dad recommended me to buy this barley leaves tea powder from those counters that sell jap snacks... they are located at places like taka, plaza sing, liang ct ... one month's supply cost $30... not really cheap but suppose to help in the general well-being, including constipation :p (yeah, apparently mum told him of my problem)... bought a pack yest... tastes ok, just hope that it will be able to perform miracles for my back but i guess i'm placing too much hopes on it *grins*... see really becoming a bibik lor... after buying an expensive product, really expect the product to work wonders else will just curse n swear hee hee...

my back is still aching... really annoying feeling... dont want to keep popping muscle relaxant or pain killers to ease the pain lest i get hooked on it...

oh yah, one of the highlights of yest was that i bought the bicycle tragic royalty playing cards! si bei cool leh, darkly whimsical... love it! there was even sweet pastel playing cards... damn nice colour and ideal for a gift for some girly gal fren :) think this 1st purchase might make me into a collector for playing cards... uh oh!!!