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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wilbur's Loads of Crap ;D

it's one of those days where i sprout loads of crap... here's a couple ... read on only if u can tahan nonsense and gross-ness hor!
- thurs is labour day, the name suggest that its a day where we have to be labourious rather then a day of rest *sniggers*
- ee reminded tt its also called may day... why isn't there a shinwa day then *hysterical laughter*
- if toilet water can be converted to NEWater, hyflux should consider R&D on periods converting to NEWblood since there's always call to donate blood =P

anyway, winter saw the vet today, yay! the lump at her elbow is no biggie *wide smile* just some infection so the lump contains some fluid which should go off in couple of days after medication... otherwise, its off to surgery where the vet wil slit the lump for the fluid to ooze out and thereafter have to apply medication to prevent bacteria infection =p ... this little rascal really gives me loads of work man... just a couple of minutes back, dunno what the hell came into her and she pee-ed in front of my eyes at the dining area!!! idiot leh! their pee area is on the papers back at the kitchen! terror dog!

anyway, brought clover along too while on way to vet... i was like a freaking crazy mother lor, kept screaming and choking them cos they were walking all over the place while on the pavement near the main road... some pple turn back and look lor, dont be surprise if someone took a video and post in in stomp =s ... reason i was so harsh was cause the main road was super busy with cars and the way they walked might caused them to kena hit lor... usu. they are quite well behaved on the roads, its like one of those days they ki siao... grrrr....

these couple of days, general ho yit (rranslation from cantonese to english : freakng hot) has been lurking ard in the mornings!! si bei terrible man! after wiping dry from bathing, i will be sweating like a pig within seconds!!! hate it ma !!! looks like tmr will be sama sama =(