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Friday, April 11, 2008

Wilbur's series of unfortunate/suay events (yester)day >={

yest was one of those days where everything just seem to go wrong lor...
incident #1
found a small puddle on the floor near the fish tank stand... dammit, fish tank seemed to be leaking and but left it cause i had to leave for work...
incident #2
took a cab to work and the driver was an ah pek who drived so slowly, not to mention that his driving was much to be desired... recalling the ride now even brings back the sick feeling... when around city hall, he actually asked whether i wanted get off at excelsior cab stand!!! apparently, he din know that funan centre is the same as funan the it mall, and he din even know funan got taxi stand! he nearly made a wrong turn somemore! WTF! bloddie hell and the ride cost like $2 more lor *^&%^$^%$£^%$£..
incident #3
made my way to mcdonalds after the sick ride i had... planned to order mc griddles again but wanted it plain/kosong this time to cut back on the calories and also found it with the sausage and egg a bit too filling... the gal who took my order wasnt sure that i could order it plain and checked wif her male supervisor, she then punched in my order and i saw $3.85 on flashed across the cash register, i was like huh? kosong also cost so ex? she said she keyed in sausage mcgriddle and made it a special order of without sausage... *screams* i then changed my order to mcgriddle with sausage and egg which only cost $4.05... stupid stupid stupid... that reminds me, will most prob write in to macs to complain... no logic rite? i used to order plain mc muffin and it cost me like $1.50 only lor... dodo!
incident #4
when i saw rita at the counter when i came in, she said that waifeng and kelvin were not coming for the meeting later, only their sub contractor would come... i was boiling liao... the signages of which they had before hand assured quality was si bei poorly done!!! waste of our time and caused a lot of inconvenience! i had wanted them to come down personally and not deal with their contractor! mistakes time and time again even after communicating to them via the phone and email our expectations... arse holes lor... i was writing an irate email to kelvin and waifeng when kelvin called and explained why they were not able to come down... i voiced my displeasure to him and sounded v unfriendly... no more miss nice guy if you break my trust lor!
incident #5
my laptop hung not long after i logged in and i din open a whole lot of programs!! *&%^$%£$
incident #6
boarded an empty 36 on my way back from work. thot that i could get home quickly but bad jam on the ecp and the journey took an hr!!! i fell asleep on the bus and i woke up feeling weak, faint and nauseous... after a quick dinner at the hawker centre, made my way to the clinic... still feeling unwell today and din manage to go to work...
incident #7
was changing the fish to another tank when one of the idiot parrot fish bit my finger and made my skin tear!!! i kootie the fish when he was on the net out of the water... super pissed...
incident #8
quarrelled wif dragon boy on my feeling stressed and worn out...
incident #9
the soiled newsapaper i was clearing tore and my thumb dug into the a piece of the doggie shit U*^&%^%^%^$
incident #10
found 3 big pimples on my face...

cant blame me for being angry with the world yesterday =p super lousy thursday man